What If You Lost Everything? This Is How To Get It All Back In One Day.




Have you ever felt weighed down with overwhelming stress? Have you ever felt that the weight of the world has become too burdensome that you want to throw in the towel? Have you ever felt like you did something so bad that you don’t even have a soul anymore?  Have you ever felt alone and that feeling would stay with you for days and no one has the right words to tell you?  Have you asked “Why me”?   If you have and if you are going through tough times right now; I wrote this for you. I had the inclination of continuing some other projects; but something was weighing on me today.  Sometimes the Lord inspires people who have influence at the moment to share a special message with one individual even though the others attending might be scratching their heads. Heavenly Father  is a seeker of the Lost sheep more than anyone else. Don’t believe me? He only cares about Christians right? These scriptures reveal otherwise. As far as this title; I am not labeling you a loser as modern times would call someone who is not amounting to much. We are talking about the people who strive to be better people everyday and have moments where they lose everything or lose the most important thing called hope.

 1 Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him.

 2 And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.

 3 And he spake this parable unto them, saying,

 4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?

 5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

  6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.

 7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

LUKE 15:1-7 KJV New Testament Bible

Make no mistake that Jesus is someone who considered more for the lost or someone who FEELS lost. Him being considered a super hero would not be a good description nor would it be truly complete. Most super heroes just save the righteous; the Savior is not as concerned with them as he is the villains, the lonely, the forgotten in society. He asks those that are supposedly found to rejoice with him when He finds one.


Talking to someone higher than yourself is prayer. If it’s your Higher Self; The Universe; or whatever belief you have..its something higher than you. I respect wherever you are in that sense but I need to add credibility to those that pray in their heart. President Gordon B. Hinkley, the Prophet of the Church around the time I was baptized, said some wise words to the interviewer.

Interviewer: When do you pray as a prophet of God?

Pres. Gordon B. Hinkley: I start in the morning and end at the night time.

I have a feeling that the interviewer was expecting him to say something to the extent of multiple times in a day for the fact that he claims to direct the Church under the guidance of the Resurrected Jesus Christ. By the way; this is not something we just have to believe, that would be a very tall order. We are asked to pray about every doctrine and principle and to get an answer from God. An atheist who asks for help from his/her higher self is praying. The person that gives thanks in meditation is praying. The person who thanks Buddha for their prosperity is giving a thankful prayer to Buddha. I believe most of us pray in our hearts all day and don’t even know we do it unconsciously. In the Mormon faith, we pray to the same Father that Jesus prayed to.  You may feel like ” I don’t know Him; why would I pray to Him…plus he seems so out there!” In Mark 14:36; he uses the word “Daddy” in his prayer. Its personal. They have built a relationship. Jesus didn’t just want that for himself, he wanted that for all of us. He was our exemplar.

36 Abba, Father,”he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” – Mark 14:36

Lets merge this idea to someone who lived not too long ago. I think everyone can relate to this story. Joseph Smith; the restorer of Gods church,  had a change of title as he progressed his relationship with the Savior that was guiding him to re-build his church. He went from not knowing God at all. In his youth, he was very confused which Church he should join. His mother Lucy Mack Smith was a Methodist; his father Joseph Smith Senior was impartial to any Church and leaned more towards consistent study of the Bible. They would go to the  Burned out Districts where people would be preaching hell and damnation and asking  “have you been saved”? He was confused and it drove him to one day pray in the forest. As he would look at the stars he would say..

“So much order in heaven, why is there so much chaos on earth? ”   – Joseph Smith Jr.

Order in Heaven

Have you ever asked that question? Why are there so many different religions and we supposedly have one God? I don’t believe in Religion ..its all about money and greed. I hate those hypocrites that look down upon people. Joseph Smith, the founder of our Church, could relate to all of that times ten. Throughout his life, he prayed and sought the counsel of the Heavens. He claimed to see God. He still is ridiculed to this day for his claims and the churches claims that follow along with what he taught. The angel that visited Joseph Smith said his name would be known for good and evil for the rest of eternity. Can you admit that a 17 year old was not ready for that type of prophecy? However, he communed with God. What if you can commune with a Heavenly Parent. I am here to tell you that YOU CAN. Whether in our faith or any faith you have..you have a Heavenly Parent that cares about you and he gave you this time on earth to find Him.


Part of our Canon of scriptures includes the  “The Doctrine and Covenants” which we consider to be modern revelation. We believe that Christ spoke to Joseph Smith and gave him commandments  and instructions to build up the Church. What I love the most about Joseph is that he could be referenced quickly because he was here on earth 200 years ago. I love seeing the struggles he had and how he questioned the Lord. Every Revelation and scripture we have started with a question he had for the Lord.

The first question you want to ask is ” God, are you there? I do admire Jesus in what he did as a person..not sure if I believe in Him completely or church  for that matter. But if your there…then let me know!”

That would be a powerful Prayer!

As Joseph had questions of his Existence. So did I? At age 17, was the first time I asked if He existed. It doesn’t matter what age you are. As Joseph improved his relationship with Christ and Heavenly Father..they started giving him different titles.




It’s interesting how the Lord changed his titles with Joseph. Think about it. You could be a servant, but not have a great relationship with the owner. You don’t necessarily get perks unless you’re a son or familial in some way. However, the owner appreciates your willingness to serve.  Could you be a son and not have a close relationship with your Father? Is it possible to be a son and not be a true friend? Lastly, in the last days of Joseph, he was called a friend. After all the persecution he went through..a refinement took place. He never cursed his Creator and never questioned who He was.  In the end, the Lord labeled him a true friend. I want a PERFECT friend that stands in the Heavens and Intervenes when I need help. If you built a relationship with the person who created this entire Universe; do you really think any problem is too big for Him?

My Simple answer: Lose Faith in yourself; lose faith in your plans, lose faith in people, lose faith in humanity; but whatever you do: DO NOT LOSE YOUR FAITH IN KNOWING THAT YOU HAVE A PERFECT HEAVENLY FATHER who loves you and cares for you. If you have HIM, you have everything back. If you knew how much he loves you (by reading the scriptures and acting Christ-like) you can’t lose faith in yourself. If you know that he wants a hand in your life and is trying to help you..why are you disturbed by your plans? Obstacles in your way and seeking help from Him will make you a better human being and your faith will increase. He loves everyone and those people you have lost faith and trust in are teaching you things about yourself. We are here on this earth to get tested. Just never lose faith that a Heavenly Father is actually there.The biggest loser or the one that has lost something or everything will always get it back again.

 These are moments where I Let God intervene through prayer.


 People that are very close to me are in these specific examples. For the sake of privacy; I won’t be sharing their names in these events where I felt God answered my prayers.

1. I was chased by a wolf when I was 7. If I recounted the story to you; you will realize it was a miracle how I survived. I prayed for one and it happened.

2. As a new member of the church, I was questioning whether the Temple of God was the “REAL DEAL”. The speaker in my class paused his talk to share something. He took a few seconds to pause and then began sharing something that changed my life. He then ended saying ” I felt like someone needed to hear that…ok Ill go back to my talk”. IT was me who needed to hear that.

3. My mother was investigating the church for two years. She never made the decision to get baptized until I went to my room to pray. I prayed harder than I ever prayed before with my door closed. That day she decided to get baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

4. My mother visited a few people after she passed away. She visited my sister multiple times after she passed away. What she told her was nothing short of a miracle. It was a real visitation.

5. I had a friend who attacked me once I got baptized. I always prayed for him to find the truth. Five years later, he had a dream that changed his life. He saw my mother and I on a hill,  our appearance told him that God was giving him a revelation. He thinks differently of our church now.

6.  I prayed for three things to see if God existed when I was 17 years old. He answered it within 2 months. All three things came to fruition and I never questioned Him again.

7. I had lost a huge investment recently and I began praying in my office. Two minutes later I got a text message that changed everything.

8. I felt like I was at the bottom of the world one day. I went to my bed looking to hear a familiar whisper; instead this warm embrace came and words could not describe it. He spoke to me in the language that I needed to repair myself. All I needed was a hug from Heaven.

I could write a blog a day with examples like these.. Losers (people who lose faith or hope) win in the end if they knew that their Father in Heaven loves them and that you are a prayer away to feel peace. You don’t have to wait a few months, nor a few weeks or days, you can find out today the reality of His existence and his love for you.

If you lost everything, this is how you could get it all back in one day. Realization of His existence and that you have a a spiritual birthright as a son or daughter of God to call on Him. Having Him in your life gives you perspective when you have lost everything ; but because he is a Perfect Father..he can give you peace. Peace of mind is one thing, peace of Soul is everything. Once you have been given peace into the core of your soul; you will feel like you have everything back. That feeling will stay with you until you get everything back and more. Don’t have your Father wait another day without you calling on Him. Its almost like we went to College and you forgot that He raised you. He hasn’t received a phone call since you left the house. The same words echo to all the people who have arrived on this earth ” I miss you..call home”.

Feel free to share how prayer has changed your life. I try to read every comment and your testimony strengthens mine.














6 thoughts on “What If You Lost Everything? This Is How To Get It All Back In One Day.

  1. Josefina,
    Your story needs to be told! I would read your book. On the last comment about being an open forum..I am with you all the way. In fact; the numbers 25 and 26 have a huge significance to me as probably does your age when you were converted. But these numbers are bigger than that and I have added another spectrum to it. I am looking to connect to other faiths; I am recommending that everyone take a year off to find themselves. Wherever truth may take you is where you should go. I happened to find Mormonism in my search, but I applaud anyone that takes the dare to research around and come to a new conclusion of why you are really here on earth and just dive into that inward journey. One day I hope I can inspire millions of people to write their own book to let people rejoice in their findings. Religious tolerance is key.

  2. Viviana,

    I am glad you are honest about your health. Have you ever considered getting a blessing from the LDS missionaries? They are looking to help people whether you belong to our church or not. I know if you have faith in Christ; a blessing will only add value to your health. Inbox me on Facebook if you want to get more information; its called a blessing for the sick. I can help you get in contact with them. Here to help in any way that I can.

  3. By the way, just noticed the name of your blog…did you convert to Mormonism when you were 26? If so, that’s so interesting…I converted when I was 25. Funny thing, I always knew something life changing would happen to me when I turned 25. After years of prayer though, it never really occured to me that it would be finding the gospel. But, I’m glad it was.

  4. Emanuel, thank you for facebooking me and requesting that I follow your blog. It was very refreshing to read your words. You remind me much of what my brother used to share with me when he was ill and due to his progressive illness went through in a short period of time. I know that the time will come when we all know our maker. My hope is that we find him before then. Funny thing, I too have been inspired to write my testimony–experiences and the spiritual knowledge I have gained from them–for a long time now. And I too, like yourself, am in the process of doing so. I’d encourage you to do the same. It looks like you have lots of followers on your blog that like to hear what you have to say. It’d be nice that more post feedback so it’s more like an open forum. Either way, I enjoyed your post. Keep up the good work!

  5. Hi Emanuel. I have been there losing everything n my health. UR article is so interesting… My health issue having low energy is dragging me down. I love to sleep even though I don’t want to…

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